The User

What should go into our app? To find out what features potential users were interested in, we conducted two questionnaires and designed a persona. The results informed the design of our prototypes.

user needs questionnaire 1


  • This questionnaire aimed to gather interest in the overall idea for the app.
  • It also gathered interest in ideas for a variety of specific features.
  • Finally, it asked for ideas and suggestions from participants.


  • Responses indicated overwhelming interest in an anxiety tracking feature.
  • The idea of notifications through an earpiece received less interest.
  • The idea of a soft wearable received very little interest at all.
  • Suggestions for the app: Making lists/journaling
User Needs Questionnaire 1



  • The second questionnaire aimed to narrow down the list of features that would be of interest to users.
  • It asked about 5 features.


  • Most participants were very enthusiastic about lessons, a meditation tool, and a breathing tool.
  • A majority were interested in notifcations.
  • A majority were not interested in user profiles.
User Needs Questionnaire 2


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Name: Isabelle Doyle

Age: 28

Job: Social care worker

Location: Ireland

Description: Isabelle occasionally has waves of stress leading to lingering anxiety. Because her job is highly demanding and the hours are long, she finds herself becoming stressed easily. She finds it hard to sleep at night and becomes hyper aroused and over thinks. She is very tired when she then has to go to work. She has recently decided to contact her local counselling service to book an appointment as she feels overwhelmed by stress and wants help. Her local service unfortunately has a 4-month waiting list. She wonders how she can get help sooner or how she may even help herself while she waits on her appointment with a professional.
