IT Solution

The ALM Group, utilizing the science of calm, have created Koala.

A mobile app to be used in conjunction with wearable bio technology such as a fit bit to promote, restore and maintain levels of calm for the user by utilizing the latest research in Biotechnology, ehealth and psychology.

This integrated system allows the user to benefit from a range of techniques and guides to help maintain and measure levels of calm, and most importantly to monitor and track what works best to restore calm after any stressful situation or event.

features that have been incorporated

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Displayed through active mode and when used  in conjunction with the journaling feature, allows the user to become more aware of their stress triggers, and especially what works best to reduce stress as the Koala actively monitors and tracks levels of calm.


Koala users may avail of the personal Data feature, as this system is aware of the users physiological states, it is possible for the user to monitor their triggers and the calming supports that work best for them.


Like to avail of the support of someone in person? Avail of the Koala community support feature which lets you connect with someone nearby who may be able to help in times of stress.


If you choose, Koala will automatically notify your friends and support networks by text in times of high stress – particularly beneficial for individuals who may suffer from panic attacks. Koala can notify a friend that you may appreciate a call.


The Alm group researched a full range of empirically supported  strategies to help the user manage and maintain their emotional health. We included a range of proven techniques for users to avail of and explore, inclusive of practical guides to discover or rediscover the benefits of therapeutic self care.

We have included a guide to focus based meditation and how this plays a significant role in controlling anxiety. Ever wondered why physical contract with animals feels good ?- that would be the release of oxytocin which helps improve mood in addition to decreasing cortisol levels which has a considerable part to play in our overall stress levels. Curious to know why after a sea swim or walking barefoot feels quite balancing? This is in part due to the bio electrical process of grounding to what are known as mobile free electrons. Walking barefoot on grass, or the beach (the process of grounding) has been demonstrated to regulate cortisol levels, reduce stress in addition to having the capacity to speed up physical healing. Like to know more? Check out the full list of interventions and benefits in our research section.

Knowledge is Power

Our team included a section on the app to highlight how our IT Solution and product has been supported by research that the user may also access. 3 sections were included – firstly a section linking all the psychological research that we used for all of the therapeutic interventions. Secondly, a section highlighting the research demonstrating how using technology within an app is effective. And thirdly, a section highlighting how it is possible to identify and understand anxiety, which will be effective for creating awareness and understanding.

Future possibilities

The Koala Wearable Bag – not available at present, our team did not receive approval to conduct any research with an under 18 population who may benefit from this feature. Our market research clearly highlighted that our over 18 sample was not interested in this feature. Depending on future ethical approval from DTPEC to conduct research with and a positive response from an under 18 population. The Wearable may be a future feature.

If developed, the Koala wearable would be in the form of a soft Koala bag. This is a tailor made wearable that will automatically respond and help manage your physical needs. In times of high stress such and especially beneficial  for anyone who may suffer from panic attacks, the Koala bag will automatically react to your physiological symptoms. During a panic attack most people will overheat and then be cold afterwards. Our caring Koala will know and react to you – helping to keep you cool during an attack, and will heat up to help you afterwards. The caring Koala is sensitive to you.