Development of Product Design

The design for the app went through many iterations. We designed and tested a paper prototype and two digital prototypes. And we still have more ideas!

Paper Prototype


Although the research phase never truly ends, the assembly of a paper prototype marks a definite shift into the design phase of a project. This initial lo-fidelity prototype was designed to include the features which gathered the most interest in our user needs questionnaires. The central feature of the app is the anxiety tracking feature and this is mapped out in detail.

When we had designed enough screens to create a rudimentary version of the app, we conducted an informal guerrilla testing session amongst each other to find out how well it was working.

digital prototype 1


It was now time to create a high fidelity prototype which would introduce colour and theme to our designs. To begin, we assembled a moodboard using Miro to explore our influences. We developed a scientific theme based on a theme, a 3d koala mascot that we dicovered for free online, and a blue and white colour scheme.


Our choice of prototyping software was Adobe XD. With features such as auto-animate, and the option of additional plugins, it is a more advanced option than programs such as InVision.



Our first formal user test was conducted with 10 participants on the IADT campus. We compiled a script, an information sheet, and a debrief form. Then we decided on 4 tasks and a final question:

Task 1

What are your first impressions?


  • A majority of participants reported appreciated the friendly tone of the app
  • However many participants found the mascot childish.
  • Some reported the issue of pixelated or unsightly graphics.

Click for more feedback

Task 2

Explore tracking features and save an entry.


  • All participants completed the task.
  • However most of them found the process confusing.
  • Many found the buttons confusing.
  • Others wished that there was more feedback.

Task 3

Open self-care features. What features can you find?


  • All participants completed the task
  • Most accessed the self-care features via the bottom navigation menu
  • One person accessed the features via the sliding sidebar

Task 4

Find out your average anxiety level for a week. How many hours has the app been used?


  • All participants completed the task
  • All participants accessed the statistics screen via the bottom navigation menu
  • Many expected to able to interact with the dummy screen (this screen was not interactive)

Final question

What would you change about the app?


  • Some requested more introduction, or an ‘about the app’ page
  • Some requested a notification feature for reminders and to alert you to your progress
  • One person suggested a positive reward feature such as stars, or streaks
  • Many people called for better buttons, especially for the tracker
  • Others called for more attractive graphics, and ones that weren’t “childish”

digital prototype 2

less childish

The user testing made it clear that the 3d koala mascot had to go. We replaced it with a more mature logo.

more introduction

Feedback from the user tests indicated that the app did not clearly explain it’s purpose. New intro screens aimed to solve this issue.

More colour

A number of people in the user testing found the app “bland” in appearance. We aimed to maintain the simple, scientific theme as we added more blue and introduced orange to the colour scheme.


In order to solve the issue of confusing buttons in the tracker feature, we designed standard recording buttons that users should be familiar with.



With version 2 of our digitial prototype ready, we set about our second formal user test. We conducted it in the same way as the first test: 10 participants were recruited on the IADT campus. The same script was used and the same 4 tasks and final question were given.

feedback summary

The feedback was more positive in this round of user testing. With many of the initial issues resolved, there was praise for the new designs. There were also new issues that arose.

  • Relaxing overall design
  • Blue is calm
  • Sleek and pretty design
  • Unclear names for things
  • Confusing process of saving an entry in the tracker

digital prototype 3

better terminology

Feedback concerning the ambiguous terminology in the app led us to rename many of our features. Techniques became “Empower Yourself”.

To avoid creating too much text, we removed labels in the bottom navigation menu.


renaming the tracker

This prototype revised the tracker feature to address ongoing confusion about it’s operation.

We renamed it “Active Mode”, and replaced record buttons with an on/off toggle which people should be familiar with for other connections such as wifi or NFC.

Treating Active Mode like a connection should highlight the role of the werable device.

We added a clear description of the feature to the intro screens.


Future additions

call a friend

The call a friend feature would automatically notify a friend or family member by text that the user may appreciate a call or some help if the Koala system recognised the user was under considerable stress, or having a panic attack. This is an optional feature for the user. Our team proposed a facility to have a one press button for direct connection to emergency services if or when the user may need professional help.

This is a safety feature and ethical consideration due to the sensitive nature of any stress related situation and is aimed to protect all individuals who may benefit from using the Koala app. The app is not specifically targeted to users who may have a specific anxiety disorder, however our team designed the features with the entire population in mind who may potentially benefit from quick and easy connection to assistance during a time of distress. Our team are also aware of, and accounting for a potentially vulnerable populous that may use the app. We are aware that there may need to be elements of emergency situations for those in distress.